That’s why I have always enjoyed the following quote.
“Successful companies are learning companies. They collect feedback from the marketplace, audit and evaluate results, and take corrections designed to improve their performance. Good marketing works by constantly monitoring its position in relation to its destination.” (Philip Kotler, Kotler on Marketing, page 34)
Marketing really is a process. Knowledge is built over time through experimentation and analysis. The challenge is that unlike a chemistry experiment, for example, when the variables are all controlled, marketing works in a dynamic environment. Variables include elements that you do not control like the economy, competition, and the post office and those you have more control of like timing, offers, market segments, and messaging.
So like a ship blown by the waves and wind, you need to monitor where you are and make adjustments to get to your destination.
"Marketing really is a process." That can be a difficult conversation to have with a new client who does not have experience with the process. It's scary to look at the numbers and not know the outcomes...but until we evolve a 6th sense for fortune telling, we're stuck with our projections.
Lindy -- Thanks for the comment. I find the twin challenges in doing marketing work is that it takes longer to do good markting than people expect AND it takes time to build solid returns by identifying key market segments, strong messages, and the best timing and frequency. But with a lot of testing and a little patience, you can have a powerful program. Tony
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