Speaking Engagements

Sample Marketing Language for Automatic Membership Renewals

One method to improve renewal rates is offering members the option for automatic credit card renewals. I get a lot of questions about this, so I thought it might be of help to provide some sample language you can use to present this option on recruitment and renewal efforts.
“[ ] Yes, I want to join or renew. Charge my credit card and provide my membership benefits with automatic renewal for as long as I wish to continue. See below for details.

As a credit card member, we will continue your membership as long as you wish without interruption, unless you tell us otherwise. At the end of your initial term, and before the start of your new term, we will simply charge your credit card at in the dues rate then in effect. Should terms or rates change, we will notify you in advance. If we cannot charge your credit card we will send you a bill for your dues.”
This language is provided as a sample only. The goal of automatic renewal is to transform the renewal process from being opt-in to an opt-out. This language also allows for a billing option once the credit card has expired.

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