Speaking Engagements

ASAE’s Associations Now Interactive Extra Focuses on Membership Matters

The October edition is now available from ASAE of the Interactive Extra for Associations Now. The focus is “Membership Matters”. Some of the article titles include:

1. What Membership Means Around the World

2. Retaining Members, From Year One to Retirement

3. 7 Tips for Dealing with Angry Members

4. Recruitment, Retention, and Engagement Trends

5. Build a Better Member Survey

It is a very well done supplement. Here is the link if you would like to take a look at it.


Anonymous said...

While interactive publications are making progress, this one is a great illustration of both the pro's and the con's of the medium. On the plus side, the additionally interactivity is exciting. On the con, the continue need to wait for every page spread to load and the endless circling timers detracts from the wonderfully simple task of turning a printed page to find new images and content. This experiment is a worthy effort, but not quite ready for prime time.

Tony Rossell said...

Thanks for the insights. I was viewing it more from a content than technical perspective, but both a critical for a successful online publication. Tony