In a recent piece, Jeffrey
Cufaude wrote about a little experiment he conducted. On purpose, he let his membership expire with
three professional associations to see what would happen. What he found was that “1 out of 3 slightly
acted in a manner consistent with organizations that profess to be about
‘community.’ But since then? Crickets.
Silence. Nada.”
Fortunately, discontinuing communications are not how all
membership organizations operate. The 2013
Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report highlights that 32% of
associations “continue indefinitely to contact lapsed members.”
Here is why staying in touch with former members is so
important. Every relationship personal
and professional can have problems. But
in most cases, it is best to try to fix the problem rather than starting a wholly
new relationship.

So when you look to get former members to come back, here
are some things to keep in mind.
Learn. There is an old proverb that says, “Look
where you tripped and not where you fell.”
Former members can be your most valuable resource to identify problems
and impediments in your membership program.
Ask them why they did not continue and drill down beyond the standard answer
of it was too expensive. Then use the
information to keep more members and win back those who have left.
Acknowledge. Address a former member as someone you know
had a previous relationship with your organization. One association does a great job of this by instead
of asking the former member to “please join” they send out a greeting card that
says, “We miss you.” The card includes a
personalized message to the former member.
trying. Perhaps the most important
message about reaching out to lapsed members is, do not give up on
re-establishing a relationship. Many
associations are sitting on a relational and financial goldmine of former
members that they have failed to re-engage.
They just need to replace the chirping of crickets with an ongoing effort
to restore the relationship.
There are many marketing tools
available for following up with former members.
Since an association has a previously established business relationship
with lapsed members, it is appropriate to use both email and telemarketing in
outreach efforts. Some organizations
also use staff and board calls to encourage a member to return. But whatever the mechanism that works best,
try contacting your former members and replace silence with a request to
Reaching out to lapsed or expired members can be viable for many businesses. It is also important to respect their wishes if they state they no longer want to be contacted; it's a fine balance.
Thanks for sharing your thought here. It's very interesting to read.
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